Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plums in a glass - Mark H Brown

It was good to paint again after two busy weeks of showing and shipping out orders!  I continued in my new series of lighter background paintings, trying to create a soft contemporary look to the still life.  I liked the strong diagonal composition of the plums in juxtaposition to the vertical thrust of the glass.  The blue haze is always an enjoyable element to paint on plums. 

Plums in a glass
16 x 16 oil on canvas


Julie Riker said...

Mark, you captured that blue waxing look of the plums beautifully. They look luscious!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Mark - feels like I could reach out and grab one of these plums. Hope you can make it to the Capitol Reception on Friday.

Bertie Brown said...

wowser! picture perfect plums!

Mark H Brown, Artist said...

Hi Mary,

Looks like you all did a great job with the show. I will not be able to make the reception as I will be in Alexandria VA for a show this weekend. Hope it goes well,


Unknown said...

Perfect in every way. I thought it was a photograph.

Joe Kluck said...

amazing I'd love to see this in person

Ron Donoughe said...

Great painting!!

Autumn Leaves said...

I can't believe your pieces aren't photographs. Stunning work!

Deborah Nell said...

This painting is flawless. I too thought it was a photograph. Truly beautiful.

Tatiana said...

Beautiful is the word!

Thom Glace said...

You can feel the ripeness coming off your canvas.