Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Herb Garden - King's Gap by Julie Riker

This was painted in the lovely gardens of King's Gap State Park. It will be displayed along with other paintings by the Susquehanna Valley Plein Air Painters during the Park's fall festival on October 3rd.

To see more of my work visit my website www.julieriker.com


Bertie Brown said...

I love the circular movement and those purples...plus, the SUNFLOWERS back there cheering everyone on!

Kathy Michels said...

So serene - oh it is just lovely. This is the painting we all need hanging in our living rooms to cheer us up during the cold, snowy winter months.

Autumn Leaves said...

Julie, this is beautiful! For some reason, I am taken back in time to the glorious gardens of the wealthy landowners/castle inhabitants of Europe.

Rodrica Tilley said...

This is a really successful painting. I have tried to paint sculpture in a garden setting and find it very awkward. You have pulled it off very successfully. (Now I will study your painting to see how you did it.)