Friday, September 10, 2010

Freshly Picked by Julie Riker

oil on canvas
I painted this earlier in the year. I was so happy when my rose bush produced this one yellow rose that I had to pick it and paint it right away. This painting is currently showing in the Harrisburg Art Association's member show. The theme of the show is "The Green Zone" and I felt this fit. I saw several other Daily Painters' works in the show as well.
To see more of my work visit my websit


Bertie Brown said...

So vibrant, fresh and lovely, Julie!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Julie--this is a winner--beautiful color palette, background and lovely lights and darks. Excellent drawing as well.

Tatiana said...

Congratulations on your Award, Julie!

(Yes, Cecilia, she just found out - this one IS a winner!!!)

Ron Donoughe said...

Really nice to meet you Julie. I lied the small plein air painting of the river.

Julie Riker said...

Thank you everyone! It was so nice to see everyone (Bertie we missed you!) at the capitol today. When I got home there was a message that, in fact, this painting did win an award in the show. I was suprised and delighted with that news!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Told you so!

Unknown said...

Great job Julie. Congratulations on your award also!

blah said...

A beautiful piece of artwork! You have great talent!

Thom Glace said...

Congradulations! Sorry you didn't make the awards Reception.