Wednesday, September 15, 2010

David Bottini, for Gabriel ... completed after several weeks work: "Thanksgiving Day"

Ahh - such pleasure to sign a new painting - now on it's own - having what is needed to stand alone and convey an experience that engages a viewer.

"Thanksgiving Day" 60 X 48", acrylic on canvas, 2010

Art shipper picks it up next week - and soon it hangs in a Santa Fe gallery!


Dianne Lorden said...

This is totally gorgeous, David. Now I can't wait for the leaves to change! It really is engaging, as you say.

Unknown said...

Wow, this is beautiful even close up. How did you paint all those leaves. I hope the leaves this fall are just as beautiful.

Cecelia Lyden said...

And such a pleasure to see this amazing painting--talk about putting the viewer there--I feel like I could take a stroll under that canopy of golden leaves right now-I can feel the warm sunlight as I pass from the cool shaded areas to the warmer stretches of the path--what a beauty!

Fay Akers said...

this is fantastic. How much will a large painting of yours go for?

Deborah Nell said...

This is breathtaking. Such beauty you have captured.

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

Thanks for the support and kind comments - I enjoy getting feedback - as you all noted - it is large - and the scale really has an impact - and if you could see the piece, Charlotte, I think you would see that the massing of the leaves has an swirling and gestured sense of painterly brushwork - less individuated than it might appear online.
Fay, This piece is shipping to Santa Fe - I am still an emerging artist - so I am in the lower-end of the galleries where I exhibit ... this will be retail priced in the upper 4 figure range... I have not sold this scale previously - so, my preference is to price aggressively to generate sales (as I do with my paintings where I am represented)
That is an entire discussion topic - what are the factors that weigh in determining a selling price for artwork.

Sorry to chatter - -
Thanks for looking.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love how the diagonals are working in the compostion, and the swirling patterns of leaves on the road.

Bertie Brown said...

agree with Claire...It makes me feel very being in the womb!