Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Capitol, DPP exhibit, and a good weekend ahead, David Bottini, paintings for Gabriel

It was a pleasure meeting many of the Daily Painters group at the reception yesterday afternoon - a spirited and convivial group of artists! (and a silent keyboard round of applause for Mary Beth's fine effort in bringing us all together and working hard to create the DPP blog and group *******************)

Excited to have an uninterrupted weekend to work in my studio - likely to complete the large scale painting I have been involved with for the past month (will post when it is completed)

A nice bonus to an already hopeful weekend ... I got a call from the Art Assoc. of Hbg. - I am awarded the Rober Fuller Award for Impressionism in the exhibit that opens on Sunday during the Annual Art Walk! (painting is above)

Curve, Canal, and Sunlight, acrylic on linen, 30 X 40", 2010


Julie Riker said...

Congratulations David! An award well deserved! I also was given an award in the show...the Robert Fuller award for Realism. The news blew my mind as there were a lot of really nices works in the show. Unfortunately I will be out of town on Sunday and will miss the opening and gallery walk.

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

Congrats back - I won that the realism award two years ago - how cool!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Such a creative and dynamic composition and, of course,amazing, flawless painting--Congratulations to you both--wonderful artists.

Unknown said...

Congratulations David. Nice to meet you on Friday