Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"At Least the Monkey is Happy" Watercolor by Kathy Michels

I am having such a fun time with this piece. I finally decided on a background and finished drawing that in. I will keep the carnival somewhat washed out so it doesn't overshadow the real story. It is always such fun and sometimes a real challenge to name a piece. One day I was looking at her disgusted little face and glanced at the monkey and there it was "At Least the Monkey is Happy".

See more of my work at http://www.artbykathymichels.com/


Autumn Leaves said...

Oh my! Was this a date that had gone wrong? Brother and sister waiting for wayward parents to show up? Or simply tired after a long and obviously fruitful day? Love it!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Great title--great commentary.