Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"The Great Pumpkins" by Debra Kreiger

"The Great Pumpkins" 10"x13" Watercolor on 140lb Arches Paper

I'm very proud and honored to announce that this painting was accepted into the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 31st International Juried Exhibition. The show will be held at the Crary Art Gallery, 511 Market Street, Warren, PA from October 1- November14, 2010. The reception will be held Saturday October 2 from 1-5pm.

I know it is a little early for Fall, but I had to post this!

To contact me or see more paintings go to www.debkreiger.com


Kathy Michels said...

Congratulations Deb! Great news and this piece is just wonderful. The colors are just beautiful. I love it! It really makes me ready to see fall arrive.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Deb. I love the little punkin' boy painting

Cecelia Lyden said...

Congratulations--wonderful subject matter, composition, and technique--love pumpkins and children

Tatiana said...

Wonderful work, Debra and... CONGRATULATIONS!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Deb - Congratulations! I absolutely love this, and can see why it got juried into the show. This is fantastic.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Congratulations Deb. This is stunning. I am not surprised you are being noticed on a national level.

Pat Koscienski said...

Beautiful painting, Debra. Big CONGRATULATIONS!!

Debra Kreiger said...

Thanks all! Sharing with all of you is the best!

Bertie Brown said...

WOW!! Congratulations, Deb, that is so great and well deserved...
So sorry I didn't get to your booth on Sat. at Lititz...I had many talkers that day...

blah said...

Congratulations! A really great piece!