Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sunflower Alley Book by Pennsylvania Daily Painter Bertie Brown

Sunflower Alley

36 page soft-cover book of poetry and pix of my sunflower paintings: 6"h x 8"w

My Backyard Sauna

It’s a sunflower sauna

and my flora and fauna

are toasting and roasting

there’s even some boasting

“Oh back in the day

in Savannah, I’d say

twas a’ hundred and three

under a shady oak tree

I, not a sunflower, just a seed

don’t ya see

had a great aching need

to flee to PA

where I hoped to someday

Join the sunflower parade

as a backyard summer guest

at BB’s Sunflower Fest”

well, that was my quest

now I’m part of the crew

it’s really hot here too

so we’re toweling as we’re growling

Shoulda moved to Kalamazoo


Bertie Brown - Lancaster, PA
info at: email


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I am going to have to check out your book, Bertie. What a wonderful idea!

Thom Glace said...

I always admire your sunflowers. You should toot one of the horns you painted for such a great book!

I am putting together a book with Blurb. Who are you using? Looks great so far!

PS on your comment about my Cutthroat Trout painting. The man who was displaying the trout - Catch and Releases only. Most trout fly fishermen, only catch and release. Trout unlimited is an organization of trout fishermen, who are concerned with keep in and improving our streams, rivers, etc and increasing the trout population. The fisherman who was showing the Westslope Cutthroat that I painted is helping bring back that species.

Bertie Brown said...

the book was done through my Apple I-photo program as I could not figure out the Blurb program without help...I couldn't easily change page layouts to fit my poems and sunflower I just had a few Mac Books printed to take to an art show I'm doing next week. After that, I may be able to get my computer guru to help me set up a Blurb book, which would be great 'cause then I would have a (?)widget(?) of the that correct??

Pat Koscienski said...

Bertie, I love every one of your sunflower paintings. Also, love the poetry. I'm always in awe of anyone who can write poetry.

Autumn Leaves said...

Wow! Beautiful, Bertie!

Mary Beth Brath said...

I would love to see your book Bertie. This post is wonderful.