Thursday, July 15, 2010


acrylic on canvas
Several years ago this painting was accepted into the Pennslyvania Art of the State juried exhibition. There were 1000 submissions then. I read in The Patriot that this year there were 2000 entries. Much more competition now.
I felt when I submitted it that it might be accepted. The judge was from the New York City area and I thought he would feel a kinship to the location and relate more to the way I handled and placed the figures. At the time I was a big fan of David Hockney and his aloof figures. None of my figures are reacting to each other at the moment I took the photo. I also liked painting in a less painterly way, contrasting softly molded figures with flat surfaces like that green carpet. There are many strong contrasts in this painting-natural shapes vs manmade, complementary colors[ that strong green and red chairs ], horizontal and diagonal directions.
I loved painting this scene, but I'll never forget my daughter's reaction to it. She said it's really nice Mom, but " why did you have to put that big fat man in it?"
So there it is. The reason it still sits in my closet.


Ron Donoughe said...

It is a really good painting Cecelia. I immediately thought of Hockney! And the sad truth is a lot of good work is never purchased. I think you should hold on to it anyway. Maybe your daughter will want it someday? Ironically, I was also in one of those exhibitions you mentioned and I still have my painting as well.

Pat Koscienski said...

Cecelia, this is a wonderful painting. This style sells very well in our area, just ask Fritz.

Dianne Lorden said...

It's amazing. It looks like a really trendy magazine cover to me - that was my immediate reaction. I just love the style of it!

Ron Donoughe said...

The placement of the figures is just right. I especially like the guy with the belly!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Thank you all. The photo I took had more people in it. I weeded some of them out and placed the remainder in a way to lead the eye through the painting. Again, thank you. I've been encouraged to include this painting in my art show this August.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Cecelia - you are such an accomplished artist! I really love the compositon and dynamics of this piece.