Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Abby at Nags Head" pastel by Dianne Lorden

Pastel, 12" x 16"
I've often used my daughter as a subject - especially when I'm practicing, poor thing! But this is my favorite painting of her. I made it three summers ago, when I was still pretty new to pastels, from a photo I'd taken during one of the quiet moments of her childhood.


Mary Beth Brath said...

I love the colors and textures. I had one of my sons model for an artist fellowship group. He did a great job, but didn't want to do it again. HA!

Autumn Leaves said...

Beautiful waters, Dianne! The sands look slightly drifted and windblown. Just gorgeous.

Cecelia Lyden said...

I love the way you placed your daughter, to the side and looking away from the center of the painting.

Dianne Lorden said...

Cecelia, I really struggled with that placement ... looking off the scene and all. But I just thought it somehow worked, even though that's not the way it's usually done. Thanks!

Bertie Brown said...

That some 'fine' looking hard to get right..

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I think this is so touching - and also a beautiful painting.