Saturday, June 5, 2010

"Bridge at Fort Hunter" Work in progress by Tatiana Myers.

"Bridge at Fort Hunter" by Tatiana Myers
12 x 12". Pastel on Ampersand Museum Pastelboard.

Today I started another pastel painting after  trip to Fort Hunter with our group of Plein Air  of artists, many of which are members of DPP.

Unfortunately this time I had no time to do actual Plein Air. Fortunately I had just enough time for some great looking reference photos. 

So far I'm only done with underpainting in water-media, next step will be actual work with pastels. Very exiting!

Pat, dear, you can not convince me "It IS finished work!" Don't even try! :-)

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site:


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Tatiana, I already love what you have done here. Can't wait to see the finished painting.

blah said...

Very beautiful. Love it!

Autumn Leaves said...

This is beautiful so far, Tatiana! I can't wait to see the final piece as well!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Great start--peaceful and serene.

Tatiana said...

Thank You!
Amazingly I did more then that at just one evening. (I just didn't take the other progress pictures on it.) Looking forward to finish it, but so far so good. :-)

Pat Koscienski said...

Okay, you dared! Every painting starts out being an abstract painting, progresses to impressionism, and can finish as realism. You take the whole journey. I appreciate the beauty of your paintings at any of those stages, because you are so skilled with the composition, colors, etc Your paintings are strong and hold up well at any of those stages. Still waiting though to see one of your abstracts.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Pat!

Before I met YOU, I didn't understand abstracts and wanted no part of it. Now I'm finding many of them interesting and even fascinating. Still - I don't think I know much about it, or ready to work in this direction. I may try someday, but I sure will need some guidance here... Especially because most of those things are done in acrylics and acrylics aren't something I'm proficient with. So... unless you are going to help me with it abstracts will have to wait! :-)

Ron Donoughe said...

I like it as is also. It has freshness and freedom. Have you ever heard this one? Sometimes it takes two painters to make a painting, one to hold the brush, the other to hold the ax. You know, to stop the painter from going too far :)

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Ron!

I REALLY feel that often I need somebody with an ax near by.

So far our Pat is the one pretending at this position! :-)