Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You are invited to attend the Artist's reception May 7

Watercolorist, Linda Young, and ceramicist, Steve Van Voorhees, will exhibit their artwork at the Carlisle Arts Learning Center. An Opening Reception will be held on Friday, May 7 from 6:30p.m. to 8:00p.m. and will feature live music by Jennifer Neslund and Friends. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public.

The Young/Van Voorhees Opening will also be a part of the No.End Music and Arts Festival which takes place from 5 p.m. until 1 a.m. along North Hanover Street in downtown Carlisle. Visual and performing artists will entertain at businesses and establishments in an effort to bring the public out to celebrate the arts.

The Carlisle Arts Learning Center is located at 19 N. Hanover Street. CALC hours of operation are 10a.m. to 3p.m. Monday through Saturday and 5p.m. to 8:00p.m. on Thursday evenings. For more information, call 717-249-6973 or visit our website at www.carlislearts.org.

Young/VanVoorhees exhibit will run from May 7 through June 5, 2010.

Fill your senses! See the beautiful artwork and hear the talented musicians at CALC. Don't miss this one.

RSVP Here if you'd like to attend
Carlisle Arts Learning Center
Linda Young Watercolors

1 comment:

Tatiana said...

Congratulations, Linda!

I would like to make it to reception... I recently got my membership with CALC too, but didn't have a chance to see the gallery yet.
Sounds like it will be great show and I hope we can stop by.