Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Summer Plein Air Study by Daily Painter Of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Brath

Acrylic Plein Air Study on 6x6" Canvas Paper

Summer vacation is always such a joy. A part of vacation time is usually spent "off the techie grid" so to speak. No computers, phones, televisions etc.  My family and I hike, canoe, explore, fish, eat smores, photograph various mushrooms and watch for wildlife like deer and turkey. This year we heard the song of a whip-poor-will.

I have been painting at this location since I was in the fourth grade. Can't wait to go back next year. The important item in the scene above is the Dad's favorite place to sit.


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

Sounds like a great vacation, MB!!!!

Mary Beth Brath said...

It was a great vacation. I am blessed.