Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lambertville Tow Path - oil on canvas

Hello everyone! Well, finally the leaves are changing color around here. I think because of the really beautiful weather we've been having it has slowed things down a tad. This is the tow path right across the Delaware River from New Hope. It's one of my favorite little towns locally. I hope to do a few more paintings before the color is gone!

If you would like to see more work please visit


Larry Lerew said...

So beautiful! I'm always attracted to orange and yellow. It's been so warm in Central Pennsylvania our trees are being slow to turn color and still aren't showing much. Enjoy the beauty Christine.

Christine Marx said...

Thank you Larry! This time of year I am a complete warm color person...can't help it with all the beautiful red and ochre's around. Have a wonderful day!