Saturday, December 29, 2012

Work-in-Progress: Study of Walt Whitman

Had a little time to work on this, in-between visiting with family and stuffing myself with Christmas cookies! Colored pencil on Canson Mi-Teintes board.


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

'Love your drawing of Walt Whitman...
He has great features!
I recently did a collage with Mr. Whitman...I'll have to post it soon.
'Hope your new YEAR is a good one, AMY!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Fantastic work Amy. I hope you continue to post your progress. Remember our annual exhibit in June at the Capitol Building.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is so impressive - I can feel his presence pushing through the support. Wonderful work, Amy!

Amy Lindenberger said...

Thanks for all the support, ladies!