Friday, December 21, 2012

Creek Run by Jill Peckelun

Creek Run, oil en plein air, 14 x 11"
Well, let me tell you- these wooded scenes are a challenge.  This was painted during the last week of Autumn when I was looking around for something to see and couldn't take my eyes off the white of the water, the copper of fallen leaves and the cool neutrals of tree bark.  There is something so compellingly beautiful about seeing water and trees just doing their water and tree thing.  There was a steep bank just behind the trees and I knew that that little creek of water had been working away there for a very long time to get the ravine down to its current level.  And all it had to do was simply be itself.


Sharon Benner said...

I love the varied grays in winter. Your painting has beautiful grays.

Ron Donoughe said...


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

So NICE, Jill!
The COLORS really tell the story!

Bertie Brown said...

I love the movement you get using those bold brushstrokes!

Debra Kreiger said...

You have captured the mood perfectly.

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Beauty. Great texture.