Monday, September 17, 2012

Painting Cape Cod by Larry Lerew


"West Dennis Beach"
11" x 15" Acrylic On Watercolor Paper
All Rights Reserved Larry Lerew 2012

"Dream Baby At Rock Harbor"
15" x 11" Acrylic On Watercolor Paper
All Rights Reserved Larry Lerew 2012
I painted 9 paintings and made many sketches in my sketchbook along with taking over 800 pictures.
These two plein air paintings were the only ones worthy to show. "Someday" I might work up some studio paintings from the visual information and memories I gathered from the trip.


Cecelia Lyden said...

I've been waiting to see the paintings you created at the Cape-2fresh, lively Lerew expressions-so nice.

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

'Sounds like a trip of a lifetime..CAPE COD! I can't wait to see more posts, larry!