Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Larkspur by Nancy Herman

Nancy Herman
6" x 8"
oil on cavas board

June is the time when summer really takes over with blooms everywhere and even some vegetables ready for harvest.  I have been eating lettuce from my garden for weeks and some tomatoes will be ready before the month is over.  These are the "salad" days of the year, when all is green and innocent.  Not a hint of the ravages that extreme heat and dryness can bring this year, with rain coming along just in time.  June is really  "bustin out all over".   For me the Larkspur sing nature's song of renewal every year.



Julie Riker said...

This is beautiful Nancy! This is the first year I have had larkspur growing in my garden. I started it from seed last year but nothing really happened. This year the stalks are over 5 feet high and the flowers are a gorgeous deep violet. I hope it continues year after year and maybe I will have to paint it too.

Debra Kreiger said...

Beautiful Nancy. I love the composition and color choice. So delicate!

Bertie Brown said...

Those blues just GLOW!