Tuesday, June 5, 2012

An Original Plein Air Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Historic Peace Church'
 Built in 1798, Camp Hill PA
Plein Air
Oil on Linen Panel 
9 x 12

Today was the first day of the second annual Camp Hill Plein Air Event.
I drove around to find a place to paint, and wound up
leaving the borough of Camp Hill and heading for the
historic Peace Church.  I drove down into the cemetery,
and found the perfect angle to catch the sunlight on the
building, and also that magnificent Red Maple.

This was done entirely on site.  I am glad I finished up
when I did because the grounds-keepers came in to
mow, and decided to mow right where I was painting!

Here's my set up - I was about 85% - 90% done at this point.
No one was mowing at this point :)

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:


Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful; great job! It's a winner.

Cecelia Lyden said...

I've driven past this location a "million" times, and although the building is beautiful in its simplicity, the location with its traffic and lack of landscaping is, to me, completely uninspiring. Your painting is a perfect example of how an artist, with her artistic eye and great skill for choosing perfect vantage points, can create, in the midst of traffic noise and hubbub, a beautiful, peaceful setting--something this church really needs.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great post Claire. I love how you share your plein air event experiences with the public. What a beautiful day to paint!!

Bertie Brown said...

I love the bits of red here and there, bringing a nice symme-tree to the painting!