Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Alium and Butterfly by Nancy Herman

Alium and Butterfly
Nancy Herman
9" x 12"
oil on canvas

Still trying to get the hang of using more paint, I happened upon this smallish butterfly on one of my beautiful Allium and couldn't help but try to capture it on canvas.  
My grandfather had a collection of butterflys carefully pinned to velvet and a net ready to catch others.  At the time I was both fascinated and repulsed by the beautiful display.   Now I wonder how that gentle man could have wanted to kill these lovely creatures.  It was all the fad in those days.  We are such a product of our time, whether we know it or not.  Not sure what kind this one is.  It might be a black swallow tail.  Anyone know?


Mary Beth Brath said...

Lovely painting Nancy.

Dianne Lorden said...

I don't see evidence of the swallow tail at the bottom of the wings, but it looks to me like the one I posted the other day, which is a red admiral. What do you think?
Pretty painting - love the flower treatment.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Beautiful painting-unigue composition.