Thursday, March 22, 2012

Socked In by Julie Riker


Today's paint out was at Samuel Lewis State Park.  I was so excited for the rest of my plein air group to see the expansive river view from the top of the hill.  I was looking forward to painting that vista, but we arrived to find the area dense with fog.  Visibility was only about 100 yards ahead and the "view" was under a white cloud.  Most of us decided to make the best of the unique lighting of the day and focused on the rock formations and veiled trees.  Though it was not the painting I had planned on doing, I am happy with the results.  You can never really plan on nature to give you the perfect conditions, but it usually presents something different, and often better.

If you would like to see more of my work please visit my website


Unknown said...

There is a mysterious feeling to this painting; it makes me wonder just what is over the hill beyond the fog and down that trail. I was thinking about you all today.

Christine Marx said...

LOVE this Julie! Great work!!

Patricia A. Griffin said...

You get what you get and you don't get upset when you are out in the elements. This piece has a perpetuating feel to it.

blah said...

Very nice design elements. Colors and shape of the trees are excellent.
You picked a good spot.
Fog can be nice but it can be frustrating too. I went out this morning to take shots of a valley in the early morning light, but it was covered in fog. Couldn't see a thing.

Taryn Day said...

You managed the fog very successfully, Julie. I especially love the extremely subtle color of your sky and trees, but the rocks are handled well too and make a great contrast.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love the muted colors that recreate the sense of fog and moisture in the air - also like how the path leads you right into the painting. This is absolutely lovely, Julie!
P.S. As I mentioned in Cecelia's post - it is really neat to see three artistic interpretations of the same site!