Monday, March 12, 2012

Egrets at Dusk by Steve Wetzel 11x14

This is another piece from the Chincoteague trip. Those of you who have been there will recognize the spot. I chose to paint only 4 of the 30 egrets that were in the marsh to save my titanium white in case the next day brought an overabundance of clouds.


Cecelia Lyden said...

Wonderful depiction of that open terrain--masterful inclusion of the egrets and winding stream-it's difficult to include those things in a landscape without making them look "corny"

Ron Donoughe said...

Couldn't agree more with Cecelia. Masterful handling of color as well.

Julie Riker said...

No horses?
I know this spot VERY well - in fact I am currently working on a 24x48 enlargement of a smaller study I did looking out across the refuge vista. I am struggling a bit with mine, but you nailed it here Steve. Beautiful rendition of one of my favorite scenes.