Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Church Roof Lines, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

I was invited to be part of a show called "89, the Neighborhoods" at Gallery Sim in the South side of Pittsburgh. The show has images from many of the 89 Neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. My 10 x 10 inch, acrylic, is of the roof lines of St John the Baptist, Ukrainian Catholic Church in the South side neighborhood. Churches are an integral part of the neighborhoods and give a history of the population there.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I like the tilted perspective and the rich, luminous colors in this, Maria.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

thank you Claire. I am going to try to take another photo today. The sky darkens toward the top and just has a glow toward the bottom that just didn't show up in this one.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hi Maria - tell us more about the show. The perspective of this piece gives me the feeling that the buildings are towering over my head...and then I realized the painting is only 10x10". I love the colors.