Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 2012 DPP Challenge
Hosted by Christine Marx

 Click here to go to the DPP Challenge Blog

I am so happy to host this month's Daily Painters of Pennsylvania Challenge. I have been itching to paint some type of dessert. I have attached a photo of something delicious that we had at a restaurant in North Carolina 8 months ago when were seeing my nephew off to be deployed to Afghanistan. I am happy to report he is coming home today!! So in celebration of celebrations and family and desserts (because in my house they all go hand in hand) I'd love to see what the other Daily Painters come up with. It doesn't have to be this dessert - just something that has to do with celebrations!

Rules of the Challenge:

1. This monthly Challenge is for DPP members only, but anyone is welcome and encouraged to make comments on the posts.

2. Submit your Challenge entry just as you would a regular post - with a picture of your entry and anything you would like to write about your experience with this particular challenge. You are welcome to submit more than one entry.

3. All entries must be posted no later than midnight February 29, 2012.

4. To get a larger, high-resolution version of the monthly Challenge photo, just click on the photo in this post.

5. Please put only your name in the label section of your post - thanks! (Your name should appear exactly as it does on the DPP blog)
6. Please follow the spirit of this challenge - all submissions must be created after the Challenge has been posted.

7. Have fun!

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