Monday, January 30, 2012

Magnet Machine, 16 x 20, Ron Donoughe

This is the second of the scrap yard series. This baby picks up anything, as long as it is made of steel.  It's technical name is Link Belt 5800, but I nicknamed it the Magnet Machine. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to move huge pieces of metal around with this? Probably a boy thing. I painted it from the front so the extreme foreshortening would add drama and depth to the painting. Next subject, the CAR CRUSHER!


Taryn Day said...

Okay, this is completely and totally cool, even for me (a girl). I like the way the snow indicates that this contraption is out of commission. Did you paint this on location? What kind of blues do you use in your skies?

Ron Donoughe said...

I intended to paint on location, but after setting up my hands were frozen. It was about 12 degrees. So I worked from a photo taken that Sunday morning last month. The sky blue is a crazy mixture of cerulean, portland gray, and cobalt. I mix a lot of this mass color first. After putting it on I cool the top with more cobalt and warm the bottom with cad yellow medium. The value was mixed intentionally darker to allow the snow to glow.

Taryn Day said...

I can't tell from looking at the painting whether it was painted on location or not- which to me is a plus. Thanks for telling me about your interesting paint combination, as I've been wondering for some time how you get such strong, beautiful and unique blue skies.

Tatiana said...

Whatever you paint, Ron - small local street, or a junk-yard, it always turns to be a great painting. Good for you! Very impressive.