Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Red Rocks of Sedona", pastel by Tatiana Myers.

"Red Rocks of Sedona", 8 x 10" pastel.

This is my latest pastel piece finished this morning. It was one more experimental painting. I did it on hardboard teated with Golden acrylic primer for pastels to create a coarse brush-stroke structure what will give
to finished pastel more "painterly" look.
I did light underpainting with watercolor and then finished this small work with soft pastels. 

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Cecelia Lyden said...

I've been to Sedona a couple of times--I have a dear friend who lives in Prescott, Arizona--The first time I saw Sedona, I felt like I had landed on a different planet--what amazing terrain! I took many photos and did a couple of paintings. Your pastel is strong in every way--shape and color composition-very unified.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Cecelia! I had no chance to see Arizona yet... but I'm so looking forward to it!... Perhaps it may happen as early as this spring. One can only hope... I do! :-)

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Beautifully textural, Tatiana!