Friday, November 4, 2011

Marina in Castries, St. Lucia by Steve Wetzel 5x7 plein air

This is a small plein air piece I completed last week during a trip through the South Caribbean. It's painted on Judson's carton board using water soluable oils. This was the first time I used the water soluable oils, which I took on this trip for the convenience of traveling with painting equipment without the hassle of transporting oil medium and solvents.


Christine Marx said...

This is beautiful Steve! How did you like the water soluble oils?

Christine Marx said...

This is beautiful Steve! How did you like the water soluble oils?

Steve Wetzel said...

Thank you Christine. For the ease of traveling with painting material they were solvents needed...brushes and palette cleaned up with soap and water. They handled more like regular oils than I expected them too...but I will still prefer to work with regular oil paint day to day. I needed the water soluable oils for the purpose of traveling...and they served that purpose better than I hoped.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great information Steve. This is a wonderful painting indeed.