Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Illuminated Peaks, 36 x 60, Ron Donoughe

October has always been my favorite month. It seems like the skies are more interesting, especially towards the end of day. Recently I noticed how the evening light was illuminating house peaks in an area known as Friendship. The idea of using cast shadows from objects outside of the image is something I've used plenty of times. Here the opposite side of the street shows us a street light, trees and roof lines. It creates the illusion there is much more going on but it is only implied.


Dianne Lorden said...

The values really pop, Ron, and these roof lines make a wonderful composition. I've always enjoyed the right combo of red and yellow: like this, in earthy sort of tones. A beautiful painting!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Theme and variation--components of great symphonies and great paintings. Your paintings always have those qualities.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I am really drawn to the bright sunlight, then those wonderful shadows that fall across the houses - LOVE it!

Kathy Michels said...

I really enjoy seeing your buildings. Your roof lines are always great. I love the colors and the shadows.