Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"On Bended Knee" by Deborah Nell

"On Bended Knee"
11"x 16" Watermedia on Yupo paper
Just finished painting this painting. I love it when everything seems to come together quickly. As I was working on it, it started out with a woman standing with her back to the viewer. It ended with her kneeling and face down. We need to kneel before we can stand.
You can see more of my work at http://deborah-nell.artistwebsites.com/


Debra Kreiger said...

I really like the nice textures you get with this paper. I also like your thought process!

Mary Beth Brath said...

What a strong body of work you create. So happy to see your posts!

Deborah Nell said...

Thank you Mary Beth.

Linda Benton McCloskey said...

Deborah, a beautiful piece....