Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pastel Portrait, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

Getting there...

Ok, so today is day three on this and I took some measurements to finish more adjustments.
Seems like I took two steps back today to take one step forward...

This is after todays adjustments.
Yesterdays is below.
I thought I would post it together so that you can see the changes easier.


I got carried away today. 
I usually do portraits in stages, stopping to get an ok from the people I paint for.
But today it just felt so good to paint... that I got pretty far and before I knew it... 
Well, here I am.

pastel on Wallis paper, 15x18 inches
Stop by my blog to see the steps to get to this stage.


Deborah Nell said...

I think your client will be extremely happy with this painting. It looks like you have captured her personality. This is really beautiful.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Thank you Deborah. It was so easy today... it was hard to stop.

Tatiana said...

I like the first one, but I like new version even better!

Dianne Lorden said...

Fabulous, Maria! You used the best characteristics of pastels when painting this portrait. Love the style.

Brad Miedema said...

Very nice!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Love your posts Maria!!