Sunday, October 9, 2011

WORKSHOP at Art & Soul Gallery

This weekend I taught a two-day workshop on mixing natural
greens in the landscape at the Art & Soul Gallery
in Lemoyne, PA.  What a great class - I was so impressed with
what everyone did, and the amount of time in which they
accomplished the work!

Connie Newell, Cecelia Lyden, Lyn O'Neal

Working with a limited palette of Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium
Yellow Med, Cad Red Light, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue,
Thalo Blue and White, we started the workshop
 with creating color mixtures and making color charts,
then moved on to a small 6x8 painting that would allow the
students to apply what they learned from the color mixtures.
Our subject matter provided a good example of regression
of color and what happens to greens as they move farther
into the distance.

From top left - Day One paintings from Lyn O'Neal,
Connie Newell, Cecelia Lyden, and my demo painting
in the bottom right.

The second day of the workshop we worked on a larger
painting that had a full range of greens, and showed how the
greens altered from foreground, middle ground and background.
The scene is Donegal, Ireland - a perfect exercise in greens!
Here are the paintings - not finished, but excellent progress
for the day.

From left to right, Day Two paintings in progress from Cecelia Lyden,
my demo painting, Connie Newell, and Lyn O'Neal.

Thank you to Lyn O.Neal, owner of Art & Soul Gallery
for asking me to give this workshop, and for providing
a wonderful workspace for us to work in. 

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:

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