Monday, October 3, 2011

Maggie by Julie Riker

 Last week I said goodbye to Maggie, my cat for 16 years.  She was a great cat - beautiful, sweet, and affectionate, yet full of personality - she was always surprising me.  On cold days she was usually on my lap sucking up the warmth, and she loved when I sat down to work on a studio painting as that meant a long lap nap for her.  I will miss her.

I did these 3 small 6x6 paintings earlier this summer.  I had been searching for something to paint when I realized the perfect model was right in front of me.


Unknown said...

Those precious memories will stay with you forever. This beautiful painting of Maggie shows to me she was a soft, gentle cat and good companion for you. It shows in your brush strokes; they say to me you painted her with a lot of love.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Julie these are some of the best pet paitings I have ever seen--the soft texture of her coat, her poses and the warmth and love portrayed---excellent palette -beautiful brushwork-really special.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Julie - these are wonderful paintings, and I am sure that they are even more precious to you now. I especially love the one of her curled up sleeping - the colors and textures are magnificent, and she has such a sweet smile on her beautiful face.

Julie Riker said...

Thank you Linda, Cecelia, and Claire!
Maggie had an exceptionally silky and very pet-able coat. I wish I had painted her more, but as I said, she was usually on my lap.

Patricia A. Griffin said...

I can still see her drinking from the bath faucet. May her comforting memories bring light to a gray day.


Dianne Lorden said...

Dear paintings of a dear cat and a dear soul. I still miss my Pharaoh; this makes me want to paint a picture of him :)Thanks for posting this wonderful work.

Taryn Day said...

Wonderful paintings, Julie. They are full of grace and movement and personality. It's very sad that you had to say goodbye.

Ron Donoughe said...

Very thoughtful work. Your love shows in these paintings. Nothing prepares you for a loss after 16 years.

Julie Riker said...

Thank you Patricia, Diane, Taryn, and Ron.

Debra Kreiger said...

So sorry for your loss Julie. It is very difficult to lose a little family member. I can see the love you have for her in your beautiful paintings. Her spirit will be with you always.

Tatiana said...

Beautiful work, Julie and great memory!

Christine Marx said...


What a beautiful tribute to your companion of so many years. The fur looks so soft and the paintings convey such peacefulness. I am sorry for your loss.

Julie Riker said...

Thanks Deb, Tatiana, and Christine!