Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Friendly Cow" and "Sunlit Sheep" by Taryn Day

I'm starting a series of animal paintings, with farm animals being the obvious kind to start off with (I live in Bucks County).  These are both 6"x6", oil on panel.
To see more of my work visit:
My Daily Paintworks Gallery
Awake and Painting Blog
Taryn Day Fine Art


Julie Riker said...

I love how your chiseled brush strokes create a patchwork quilt effect, especially in the background of the cow painting. Just great Taryn!

Cecelia Lyden said...

And I love the way you create a scupltural look with those overlapping planes of color.

blah said...

I really enjoy the style you have. You are able to reach a very nice level of realism with suggestive brush strokes instead of fine detail. That is a great skill to have if one can acquire it, which you obviously have. Your work also has great composition and balance and a fine creative element, using lights and darks. The objects in your works are simple, yet you pull off very creative works through your style. Very nice. I might not always comment on these, but I always enjoy seeing them.

Patricia A. Griffin said...


Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I really like the brushwork!

Taryn Day said...

Julie, Cecelia, Michael, Patricia and Maria- thanks so much!
Michael, I really appreciate your remarks.

Deborah Nell said...

I love your style. So free and bold. Love your work.

Debra Kreiger said...

Love your style and brushwork!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love these, just LOVE them. I agree with everything said above, and wish I could even begin to describe the visceral reaction I get when viewing your exceptional work.

Taryn Day said...

Thank you so much Deborah, Debra and Claire!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Oh My - yes - what everyone else said.

Linda said...

I enjoyed seeing these. Love the sheep with attitude!