Monday, October 10, 2011

Dragonfly Bullseye

Dragonfly Bullseye Graphics print
Dragonfly Bullseye Graphics by thomglace
Browse more Deagonfly Posters

Fine Art Poster featuring 8 watercolors of
various species of Dragonflies
and a Morning Cloak Butterfly.

Due to health issues, I have been away from
my watercolors and art shows for much
of this past season. I hope, and have a
good doctor's report recently, to
become my old active self in the near future.
Today I picked up a brush  for the first time in 3 weeks.
A very good sign!



Taryn Day said...

Thom, I hope you do recover completely soon! This is beautiful, as always. I love the bull's eye design.

blah said...

You are the master at this kind of art work! I humbly bow before you!

I'll be keeping you in prayer for your health!

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Very interesting!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Glad to see you are painting again.

Mary Beth Brath said...

You are simply awesome Thom. BTW - I still need to call your brother!