Wednesday, October 19, 2011

DPP Challenge Blog

You still have time to do a painting for the DPP Challenge Blog!

Hope that you will check out DPP Member Taryn Day's creative
challenge for this month. She has come up with a terrific idea
that is in the true spirit of Daily Painting!

Hope to see some entries :)


Mary Beth Brath said...

I have mine started but am not ready to post it yet. Thanks for the reminder Claire!

Unknown said...

I'm in N.C. and did a sketch at a restaurant based on the challenge blog; but won't be able to post it til I get home. It's a very primitive sketch and I question whether I should even post it at all. Regardless, I wanted you to know it was on my mind.
N.C. is BEAUTIFUL! The trees are so multicolored you would love to paint plein air here.