Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Dickinson College in Autumn" By Debra Tritt Kreiger

"Dickinson College in Autumn" 10"x8" Acrylic on canvas

Just finished this painting. I'm glad I chose this scene to paint because it looks like we will be moving right along into winter! I was really taken by the beautiful surroundings of the Dickinson campus. The iron work on this gate is wonderful and I wanted to show case it. Having the beautiful trees in the background is a bonus!

This painting will be available for sale at the Carlisle Arts Learning Center's "Local Scenes exhibit" during Art for the Holidays. The opening reception will be on November 27 at 19 N Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa.

To see more of my work go to or follow my blog at or you can shop in my new store, Deb's Gifts


Unknown said...

Deb, This is beautiful!


Deb this amazing painting took my breath away--the iron work on the gate and the lettering are spectacular

Cecelia Lyden said...
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Bertie Brown said...

agreed...everything is so beautifully composed and painted!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is stunning - bet someone will grab this beauty up in a second when they put these up for sale!

Tatiana said...

Wonderful gate-scape, Deb!

Julie Riker said...

I know this scene well - pass through these gates once a week for my orchestra rehearsal at the college. You've done a wonderful job with the meticulous drawing of the gate and nicely contrasted with the soft background foliage.

Debra Kreiger said...

Thanks all. Appreciate the positive comments!