Friday, October 7, 2011

"Beaker" - Dianne Lorden

Several ACAC members are making mini (4"x6") paintings for a "table scape" at an upcoming arts council dinner. Here's one I made this afternoon: pastel/charcoal on Fabriano paper. I feel like parrots give a lot of bang for the buck, so to speak. Small package with fun colors. But, I've been working on sanded surfaces so much of late, I had forgotten how relatively little pastel you can apply to paper. I think I began working in my sanded style and ran into trouble in areas. Before you know it, it's too late! The difference between the two types of support make it almost an entirely different medium, for me.
My work can be viewed at South Mountain Sketchbook.


Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I still like the texture you were able to achieve here.
And boy, do I know about tooth issues on paper!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hi Dianne -
Can't wait to see the new ACAC space. Phyllis has been talking about it for months. Hope you have a great table exhibit of the mini's.