Thursday, September 29, 2011

"In A Coat He Borrowed From James Dean" Contemporary Collage Painting By Donna Holdsworth ~Portage~

This painting is done on 16x20 wood panel.  Texture, graphite, ink and collage.  Link:  Donna Holdsworth Contemporary Art.  Thank you!


Dianne Lorden said...

I like this painting; the solitude is palpable and the palatte and composition add to the mood perfectly. I'd call it an edgy piece - evocative and beautifully rendered.

Debra Kreiger said...

Very interesting painting! You can feel the solitude!

Debra Kreiger said...

Very interesting painting! You can feel the solitude!

Cecelia Lyden said...

James Dean---a moody method actor--as a teenager, loved him in Rebel Without a Cause--your painting evokes the moody restless roles he played.

Donna said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Nice work!