Saturday, July 9, 2011

Workshop Demos, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

I hosted a 3 day beginner watercolor workshop this week.
  I shared my steps to a finished painting (for good studio habits) and used a very limited palette (warm and cool of each of the primaries) to get the students used to mixing and having fun making "mud".
We started with the leaf project, working wet on wet to get used to playing with color, using salt and layering. 
The next project was the bird with simplified background. Wet on wet for the background and a soupy base for the bird with layers after each area dried.
Then the lighthouse, focusing on the stormy sky and softening shadows...
Each project gave the students some experience and confidence to move the the next subject. I tried to keep my demos quick and simple. 
The students all took their projects to the next level and went home with work to be proud of. 
These are the kind of workshops I love to teach.


Dianne Lorden said...

Your demo paintings are wonderful, Maria! I especially love the blue bird. Your students must have had a great time in the class.

Bertie Brown said... favorite is the Lighthouse painting...ahhhh, reminds me of my Rockport.....

Mary Beth Brath said...

I really enjoyed your post Maria. The text is very informative!

Tatiana said...

I'm in love with your blue bird, Maria!