Monday, July 11, 2011

Come Out and Visit! Artist's Reception this Saturday, July 16, from 2 to 4 at Hauser Winery

I'm currently the featured artist at Hauser Winery in Biglerville, PA (just west of Gettysburg and a little north of Rte. 30) through August 17, and will be having a reception this Saturday from 2 to 4. They chose me for this particular timeframe primarily for my Civil War-themed artwork, so that's most of what I'll be displaying. But for this blog post I decided a good introduction was some plein air work I did out there during the Gettysburg Festival last month, Views from Hauser Winery.

The fact of the matter is that the work I'll be showing -- both originals and prints -- is the work you would see if you came to visit my gallery. But though I love my gallery space at 333 Baltimore Street in Gettysburg, I can't match the gorgeous views and ambiance presented by Hauser Winery. So please consider this an invitation to my fellow DPP members as well as DPP blog followers: if you're within reasonable driving distance, I hope you'll consider stopping by for a visit this Saturday, take in some great scenery and ambiance, possibly drink a little wine and enjoy some refreshments, and maybe even look at a little art!


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Congratulations on your exhibit, Amy. I saw this in person, and it is wonderful!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Have a wonderful reception at the Hauser Winery Amy. This would make a perfect day trip for anyone in the region.

Amy Lindenberger said...

Thanks, Claire and Mary Beth; I appreciate your ongoing support. Claire -- that's cool! I hadn't realized you'd already been out to the winery during the exhibition. Mary Beth: I know Saturday is a big day for you with your show in NYC and I truly wish you all the best -- you deserve it!