Monday, July 11, 2011

"Broken" By Debra Tritt Kreiger

"Broken" 9.5"x6.5" Watercolor on 140lb rough Arches paper

Here is a most recent painting. I incorporated some sea glass into this painting. Collecting sea glass sounds like a neat thing to do! The broken pieces seem so interesting. I'm going to look for it next time I'm at the beach!

To contact me about the purchase of this painting or see more of my work go to or follow my blog at or you can shop in my new store, Deb's Gifts


Bertie Brown said...

I never get tired of this series, Deb. They are all so good!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I so agree with Bertie - they are like little treasure hunts, with little prizes throughout the painting. Love this, Deb!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Yes - you have formed a wonderful niche in the art world Deb. Keep getting your name out there!

Taryn Day said...

Beautiful piece, Debra. Truly amazing detail.