Monday, June 13, 2011

"White Turnips" by Taryn Day

oil on board
6" x 6.5"
I had thought that I might be finished with painting vegetables for a while, but that was before I started helping out at a local CSA farm, and bringing home freshly picked, organic produce each week.  I couldn't resist painting these turnips.  I had to begin with the leaves, knowing they would wilt quickly. By the end of the day even the turnips had changed- they had shrunk and shifted. 
To see more of my work visit:


Julie Riker said...

This is lovely Taryn, and what a cool thing to be helping out at the CSA with fresh new painting material every week!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

You paint form so masterfully, Taryn. I can't wait to see your paintings in person when the DPP show comes to Gallerie 13 in July. Will you be there for the reception - if so, I hope I get to meet you!

Ron Donoughe said...

Excellent Taryn. I'm starting to see veggies in a whole new way, your way!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Love your use of color. This is a real beauty Taryn.

Deborah Nell said...

You did a wonderful job. Love the way you rendered the shape of your turnips

Taryn Day said...

Thanks for your nice comments! I really don't always mean to simplify quite so much, but when things wilt and start to shrivel I have to! Claire, I am not sure yet about attending, but I'm thinking it over- thanks.