Thursday, June 23, 2011

Watercolor by Kathy Michels

Hi All - I apologize for not being on here much during the last month or so. Since moving back to PA two years ago life has been very busy. Fortunately we closed on our house in Middletown and have been moving, unpacking and getting organized. It seems like it takes months to get settled in. I have a wonderful new studio that is light and bright and I can't wait to get started back painting again. I will post pictures of the studio soon. In between packing and unpacking I started working on one of my dancers. It has been a fun piece. I will be doing some dripping from the arms and feet next. These dancers have all been such a joy to do. So much energy and life. So much of that comes from watching them dance. They just love it so much.


Autumn Leaves said...

Absolutely beautiful and you did an amazing job with the musculature. I am blown away!

Mary Beth Brath said...

So happy to see your post Kathy. Your painting is very powerful and full of emotion. I hope you and your husband will be able to join us at the July 1st reception at Gallerie 13. It is so much fun to see everyone's work together and meet members in person!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Positively gorgeous, Kathy. This has such a strond, emotional impact.