Saturday, June 18, 2011


oil on linen


Forty years ago I painted my first commissoned portrait. This is my second. Besides rendering a decent likeness, I was concerned with depicting a soft, baby-like skin and complexion. I wanted to show some sculptural forms and planes without harsh lines or strong contrasts. I vividly recall the paintings of some early artists, whose children have elderly heads on childlike bodies.
I worked long on achieving this baby look, making constant observations and corrections. Even when I thought I had finished, I kept looking at the painting on the easel, hoping I would not see another area for improvement. I kept noticing other faults. I even got up at 4 A.M. one morning to check on something and started painting again. I derided myself for obsessing and finally turned the easel around so I could not see the painting.
As soon as it dries, I'll bring it to the gallery, and hopefully, the aunt will like it.


Debra Kreiger said...

Awesome Cecelia! You've captured the wonderful innocence of youth.

Taryn Day said...

You did a really nice job! Wonderful expression and very youthful!

Bertie Brown said...

I think you have achieved your goals..your client should be well pleased!

Autumn Leaves said...

This is absolutely stunning and that is one gorgeous little man!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

You've done a phenomenal job on this, Cecelia! Please let us know the response of your client - I know they are going to LOVE it.

Ron Donoughe said...

Yes, very warm and sincere. Nice job. I liked how you described getting it right.

Julie Riker said...

Great job Cecelia. He has such beautiful eyes. The client will be thrilled.