Monday, June 20, 2011

Plein Air Event
by Claire Beadon Carnell

Gettysburg Fringe Festival Plein Air Event

Yesterday we had the reception that concluded the
2011 Gettysburg Fringe Festival Plein Air Event.  Paintings
that the artists had done over the past ten days were
displayed at the Historic Train Station in Gettysburg, PA.
It was a great time - and very nice to meet with the public (and not
be covered in sunscreen, bug spray and paint when we
met some of them out on the battlefield while we were painting!)
It was also a terrific time to get together with all of the
participating artists and talk about our adventures out in
the field.

Thanks to everyone who made all of this possible!

Some pictures...
Guests starting to arrive...

Some of the paintings

A (rather large) imperial moth that flew
into the pavillion of the train station to view the exhibit

My painting, 'Nestled' which SOLD!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:


Cecelia Lyden said...

Congratulations Claire--"Nestled" is a serene,beautifully composed and painted artwork.

Julie Riker said...

Congratulations on the sale, though I am not surprised. It is a beauty!

Christine Marx said...

What a beautiful painting. I love the title and the composition is fantastic!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Many paintings sold this year. I will try to get the total number today while at the festival office. Wow how our fringe event has grown over the last 4 years. We are like family.