Saturday, June 18, 2011

Plein air experience at Little Round Top, by Linda Young Watercolors

Little Round Top, watercolor
9 x 12 (unframed)
(photographed by John Pitman)

When I finally arrived at Little Round Top to paint, Claire B Carnell already had a beautiful landscape well on it's way to completion.   (I loved the colors she used and that dear little building in the background captured my attention.)  At a recommendation from her, from the day before, she reminded me to keep in mind when I paint--"it's plein air".  Asking for an explanation of what that meant to her she told me the original artists from "long ago" just painted sketches which showed the colors in them.  There wasn't a lot of detail, just the values of what were before me.  Here is my interpretation of the plein air day at Little Round Top.

To tell you the truth, I think I'm falling in love with plein air painting!

Linda Young watercolor paintings website


Mary Beth Brath said...

So many awesome stories this week. See you tomorrow at the train station for the Fringe Paint Out reception from 1 - 4pm.

Taryn Day said...

Beautiful watercolor, Linda! Love the freshness and the very well observed color.

Autumn Leaves said...

This is just so beautiful, Linda!

Unknown said...

Thank you Taryn, and Mary Beth. It was a beautiful day at the Train Station.

Julie Riker said...

Your love for plein air is showing in the work. I especially love your use of vignette in this one.

Unknown said...

Thank you Julie