Sunday, June 19, 2011

Newest painting by David Bottini "for Gabriel"

There is a particular joy I find in the overwhelming tangle of early June growth. A recent wander just beyond the groomed gardens of Ladew Gardens led me to a moment where a bank of unruly growth seemed a tumble of green breaking like a leafy wave.

I focused on the gesture of the layers of foliage and the expressive pattern of the branches and boughs in the over-arching tree.

"Off The Path", 24 X 30", acrylic on canvas, 2011


Cecelia Lyden said...

My word,David--"and the beat goes on" --You just keep producing one amazing masterpiece after the other--so sorry your workshop was cancelled--I was looking forward to working with you.

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

Thanks, Cecilia. I also hope to have a workshop soon - wish I had space in my studio - because where I live (Bellevue Park) offers many places to wander and seek subject)

Taryn Day said...

Beautiful and other worldly. I admire your tremendous patience, something I lost somewhere along the way.

Dianne Lorden said...

David, your patience with foliage never ceases to amaze me. You do the most increadible job making nature look even more beautiful than in reality!

Mary Beth Brath said...

That foreground is so amazing I swear I can reach out an touch the leaves.

Christine Marx said...

Wow, this must be amazing in person at 24 x 30. It's a stunning piece!