Monday, June 20, 2011

More Plein Air Paint-Out Reception Impressions

Dianne Lorden and the couple who purchased her pastel painting

Mary Beth Brath and Sue Gray seeming to be intensely involved in something, and my painter-friend/Artist Colony-participant Sharon Benner mugging for the camera

Cropped view of what was supposed to be the floral arrangement for the food table, but there was so much food there wasn't space!

My on-site sketch impression of the reception paintings and a few attendees.

My reception photographs proved to be very much the same as the ones Claire Carnell already posted, but I had a few that weren't repeats so I wanted to share. Once again I SO enjoyed participating in this event, and very much appreciate the efforts of Susan Gray and Mary Beth Brath to pull this together and make it a success. I  hope that we can continue this for many years to come, and if any of you want to come paint out on the Gettysburg battlefield with me this summer, please let me know! My goal is to go out and paint on the battlefield once a week for the duration of the summer, and I'd love to have company! 


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Please send me an email when you are going to paint, Amy. I would love to join you. I have classes on Wednesdays, but am free the other days.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Wonderful post Amy. Thank you for everything. Also thank you to the owner of Lord Nelson's Gallery for providing the display units for the "outdoor exhibit" and Adams County Arts Council for the display units used inside of the train station during the length of the festival.

Dianne Lorden said...

I thought I saw you at work over there! What a fun drawing! Thanks for this post.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Love the sketch of the reception.