Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lutheran Seminary plein air, Gettysburg Fringe Festival June 10 by Linda Young

The Lutheran Seminary
9 x 12 Watercolor
by Linda Young
This was my first day of painting plein air with several other artists at the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg.  I painted as a member of the Gettysburg Fringe Festival plein air painters where about six or so painted at this location.  Those I knew who painted with me were Sue Gray, Claire Carnell, Mary Beth Brath, Mark Brown and me.  There were more; but I don't know their names.

It was a hot day and right away before I even got my easel set up, my home made stake to hold up a larger umbrella broke on the pegs designed to push the "invention" into the ground.  Note to self:  If the ground is really hard...don't try to stomp it into the ground on one big heave!  Easy does it and it might have worked.  Oh, also...getting on higher ground might also mean the ground is solid as a rock.  Go for the shade of the trees, which was a lesson quickly learned!

I realize some of the perspective is off a little on this steeple; but maybe that's what the joy of plein air painting's the feel and the presence of the moment and you project that emotion through brush and color onto the watercolor paper waiting in front of you.

One painting down, eight more to go....

Artist Linda Young


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is really wonderful, Linda. Your colors are clean and fresh, and really reflect the day!

Autumn Leaves said...

Truly a beauty you have here, Linda! I think this is very well done!

Unknown said...

Wow, thank you both very much.

Debra Kreiger said...

Great job Linda!

Dianne Lorden said...

You put together a lovely composition, Linda. It's a beautiful painting.

Unknown said...

Thank you Debra and Dianne