Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Let Me IN" Pastel painting by Charlotte Yealey

This is Debra Nell's cat who wanted in her strawbale house during our art reception this May. This kitty made lots of friends that day and was allowed in to join the party. This pastel was a welcome break from from  two oil painting commissions I have going right now.  


Mary Beth Brath said...

This is adorable Charlotte.

Dianne Lorden said...

This cat reminds me of my old fellow, Pharaoh. He was the same sandy - not yellow, not orange - color and he also had a very handsome face. What a perfect moment to capture ... anyone with cats has sure seen that expression a million times!

Autumn Leaves said...

Awww, what a cutie! I love how his paws are on the glass of the door. So glad to know he got to come in, make new friends, and socialize a bit.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mary Beth and Dianne!

Unknown said...

Thanks autumnleaves!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Such an adorable kitty, and I love that it is peeking rhough the window!